Fermup The Fermented Food Podcast

52: Will You Be My Ferment?

This week we talk finger yeast, kombucha clothing, backslopping, and more.

Show notes:

Fermented Valentines Day

[Starters: Fermenting With Finger Yeast Scientific American](https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/oscillator/2014/02/07/starters-fermenting-with-finger-yeast/)
[Our Starters, Which Art of Earth Wayne and Wax](https://wayneandwax.com/?p=7941)
[When science meets sartorial: the skirt and shoe made from kombucha TED Blog](https://blog.ted.com/2014/02/05/the-skirt-and-shoe-made-from-kombucha/)


[Using Existing Cheese As Cultures For New Cheeses Curd-Nerd](https://curd-nerd.com/using-existing-cheese-as-cultures-for-new-cheeses/)
[Sandorkraut: Check out this pic of a tempeh Twitter](https://twitter.com/sandorkraut/status/432660111908024320)
[Taking Land From the Mafia, Giving It to Farmers Modern Farmer](https://modernfarmer.com/2014/02/giving-mafia-land-farmers/)
[My Fermented Valentine FermUp](https://fermup.com/blog/my-fermented-valentine/)

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